Author Guide
Bulletin of North Ossetian State University named after K.L. Khetagurov
Scientific journal
ISSN 1994-7720 (Print)

Author Guide

Rules for sending- reviewing and publishing scientific articles in the journal «Bulletin of North Ossetian State University named after K. L. Khetagurov».

When preparing a manuscript for submission to the editors, the authors should be guided by the following rules, drawn up taking into account the requirements of Russian and international associations and organizations, including the principles and rules of the COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics), ORI (the Office of Research Integrity), CSE of Science Editors), EASE (European Association of Science Editors), directives from ANRI (Association of Scientific Editors and Publishers) and the requirements of the Higher Attestation Commission (Higher Attestation Commission).

Terms of publication of the article

The manuscripts presented to the scientific journal «Bulletin of North Ossetian State University named after K. L. Khetagurov» (hereinafter: the Journal) the following requirements are:

• the article should be presented in Russian;

• the article typography should follow the Journal's requirements;

• the content of the article should be in compliance with the research paper requirements and one of the Journal's sections (or thematic rubrics);

• the material offered by the author for publication in the Journal should be original, not published earlier, correspond to the context of modern scientific literature, and contain an obvious element of creating new knowledge.

Manuscript requirements

1. Manuscript

We accept submissions strictly online .

Please upload your manuscript as a Microsoft Office Word document (*.doc, *.docx and *.rtf formats).

1.1. Length of the manuscript should be no less than 2500 words and no more than 3 000 words. The volume of the article (including the abstract and the list of references) varies from 10 to 15 pages of text. The issue of publication of articles of a larger size is decided in consultation with the editorial board of the Journal; Submitted articles are tested in the Antiplagiat program: originality of the manuscript is from 70%.

Application and article are sent in separate files.

File Registration: 1. Last Name. Article; 2. Surname. Request.

1.2. Text formatting: the article should be in Microsoft Word format with rtf extension, font - Times New Roman, size - 14, left margin - 3 cm, right - 1.5 cm, bottom and top - 2 cm, interval - 1.5. Sealing of intervals is prohibited See sample article.

1.3. The text file of the article. The journal editorial board prefers to receive a manuscript as a single complete file with all figures, tables and any additional supplemental materials.

2. Manuscript structure

2.1. Russian-language abstract

Article Type: Original Paper; Critical Review; Short Communication; Letters, etc.);

UDC (Universal Decimal Classification) Index. The index can be found on the Internet: hUrx//teacod£, Sjojn/ojilineAidc;

DOI (Digital Object Identifier) - digital object identifier (the phrase digital object identifier, CIO) is also used - the standard for designating information provided on the network;

Title of the article - for the titles of the articles, apply the style of writing in capital-lower case letters with the capitalization of their own names, abbreviations, etc. The title of the article should reflect the subject and topic of the article, as well as the main goal (question) posed by the author for disclosing the topic;

• Authors - when writing the authors of the article, the surname should be indicated after the name and the initials of patronymic (Ivan S. Ivanov);

• Institutions - It is necessary to give the official FULL institution name (without abbreviations). After the name of the institution, separated by commas, in brackets you must write the name of the country, city;

• Then follows the specify ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID is a non-commercial project whose goal is to assign each author of a scientific article a unique code). The main task of the identification code is to eliminate the discrepancies in the author's names). See: Register for an ORCID iD: register, in the end e-mail. See sample article;

• each article should have metadata in two languages (both in Russian and English), regardless of the text language;

• the alternation of metadata on the title page of the article depends on the language of the article: if the article is in Russian, a block of Russian-language metadata is first given; if the article is in English, the first are English-language metadata. See sample article;

Abstract should be (if the work is original) structured: relevance, purpose, materials and methods, results, conclusion, i.e. contain the main provisions outlined in the work; reflect the author's view on the problem discussed in the manuscript, taking into account the analyzed material and the results obtained; allow the reader to understand the uniqueness of this article (research or review). The abstract of the text should be 200-250 words. It is undesirable to make large gaps between paragraphs in the summary, as well as the red lines (the abstract should be perceived as a single information block, revealing the content of the article). The abstract of a scientific article should be concise and informative, reflecting the most important research results.

Keywords in Russian (7-10 words); for an article in German, the abstract and keywords are written in Russian and English.

Acknowledgments (if available) Authors may express thanks to people and organizations who contributed to the publication of an article in a journal, but who are not its authors.

• For citation - the output of the article.

Information about the authors is given at the end of the article. (Author data - title, degree, position, merit, place of work, contacts are placed separately from affiliation in metadata, as a rule, at the end of the article after References).

2.2. English abstract

Article title. The English-language name must be competent from the point of view of the English language, while the meaning is fully consistent with the Russian-language name.

Author names. Full name must be written in accordance with a passport, or the same as in previously published articles in foreign journals. Authors who publish for the first time and do not have an international passport should use the В SI transliteration standard.

• Affiliation. It is necessary to indicate the OFFICIAL ENGLISH NAME OF THE INSTITUTION. The most complete list of the names of institutions and their official English version can be found on the website of the Russian National Electrotechnical Agency

• Abstract. The English version of the abstract of the article should be completely consistent with the Russian language and be competent from the point of view of the English language, and also include at least 250 words in its meaning and structure (Aim, Matherials and Methods, Results, Conclusions).

• Keywords. You must specify the keywords - from 7 to 10, contributing to indexing articles in search engines. Keywords must match in Russian and English.

2.3. The full text of the article

The main text of the article is structured in accordance with the headings (author's variation is allowed in the subheadings under the heading "Results and discussion"):


The aim of the article

A review of the literature

Research methods

Results and discussion



2.4. Graphic material

• every object (a table, scheme, diagram) shouldn't exceed the given size of page,

• its fount shouldn't be less than 12 pt;

• the tables and pictures should be vertical;

• all the formulae should be prepared using Microsoft Equation or in the form of

• distinct pictures;

• all tables and figures are included in the text and must have continuous numbering;

• it is recommended that in Russian-language texts signatures, explanations, legends for illustrations (photos, diagrams, etc.), tables should be drawn up in two languages in parallel - in Russian and English.

2.5. The Requirements for Russian References

The list of literature should contain at least 15 scientific research sources (scientific articles, monographs), including at least 30% of foreign (Scopus, WoS) for the last 3-5 years, indicating DOI for all sources, if available) - See sample article.

In particular:

• Intra-text bibliographic references are given in square brackets, where reference is made to the ordinal number of the used work in the reference list of literature and page - [40, p. 77]. If the link includes several used works, they are separated by brackets inside the square brackets. For example: [2, p.38; 25, p.80].

• Textual bibliographic references are given after the text of the article under the general heading "Reference". Bibliographic references should be numbered and placed in alphabetical order, first in Russian, then in foreign languages, and not in the link sequence in the article (the first link in the article (square brackets) in the article can be, for example, under the number 2 or 18);

■ The article may contain subscript bibliographic references (footnotes-notes): indications of archival sources, materials of collections and private collections, legal documents, as well as author's notes and comments. Unlike in-text references cited in square brackets, footnotes are placed at the bottom of the page and are made in computer mode: Insert-link-footnote.

• In Reference, when referring to a book, it is necessary to specify the publisher and the total number of pages in the book. When referring to a multivolume edition, you must specify how many volumes and which volume the link is given. The reference to the periodical is given as follows: author. Article title // Journal title. Year. Tom (vol.). no. Interval of article pages.

• Electronic resources are designed as follows: author (if any). Material name // Site name (name, not address). [Electronic resource]. URL: the address of the page on which the material is located (the date of circulation).

2.6. The Requirements for References in accordance with the international standard HARVARD

• design of links from scientific Russian-language journals: full name, all authors;

• Russian-language journal titles are translated into English;

• at the end of the bibliographic description of the article, an indication is given of the language of the article (In Russ.);

• if the cited article has a DOI, you must specify it at the end of the description;

• if the quoted source does not have a DOI, but is available on the Internet, it is advisable to include the URL of its location in the description.

Making footnotes from journals:

Dzhioev, A.V. (2018). The influence of intellectual capital on companies: a review of research in developed markets // Bulletin of North Ossetian State University named after K. L. Khetagurov, no. 4, pp. 88-91. (In Russ).

Books and monographs:

Kappeler A. (1997). Russia is a multinational Empire. Occurrence. History. Moscow: Progress-Tradition, 344 p. (In Russ.).

Chugunov K.V. (2013). Bow and burns in the early nomads of Central Asia (design features and some Parallels in the culture of the tribes of the Caucasus and the Northern black sea region. Sixth international Kuban archaeological conference. The conference proceedings, ed: I.I. Marchenko. Krasnodar, Ecoinvest, pp. 437-441. (In Russ.).

Online resources:

UNESCO Institute for Information Technologies in Education: COVID-19. We continue to study. We join forces! [Electronic resource]. URL: (access at: 01.06.2020). (In Russ.).

2.7. Information about authors in Russian and English is given at the end of the article after "Reference". See sample article.

Blieva Janna Maksimovna, candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor of the foreign languages chair, North Ossetian State University named after K.L. Khetagurova, 362025, Vatutina st., 44-46, Vladikavkaz, Russian Federation, e-mail:

3. Rules for the Review of Manuscripts

The main condition for the publication of articles of scientific and theoretical nature in the Journal is the passage of the verification procedure according to the Antiplagiat system, which precedes the review of the manuscript organized by the editorial board.

3.1. Reviewer: determines the compliance of the material presented in the article with the profile of the Journal and evaluate:

  • the relevance of the content of the article: does the level of the material contained in it correspond to the modern achievements of this branch of science;

  • the significance of the results of research (scientific, practical);

  • completeness and accuracy of the information provided;

  • correctness and accuracy of the used (or introduced) definitions and formulations;

  • literary style of presentation;

  • quality and / or quantity of the assessment of the material provided in the article: actual and illustrative;

  • indicate how the requirements for the design of the material of the article are taken into account: compliance with the volume of the article, the presence of annotations in Russian and English, the list of references and references to it in the text, contact information about the authors, etc.;

  • give reasonable conclusions about the article as a whole, comments, and, if necessary, recommendations for its improvement.

3.2. Expert assessment of the manuscript is carried out within 2-4 weeks.

4. Retraction policy

In some cases the Editorial Board may consider retracting a publication. The article will be officially withdrawn if at the stage of consideration, preparation or after publication by the editors or readers there will be revealed a violation of the requirements of publication ethics. The withdrawal of the article due to violation of the publication ethics will also entail a ban on publishing articles in this journal for all members of the authors' team involved in the incident in the future.

The reasons for retraction may be the following:

  • it constitutes plagiarism, including borrowed pictures, tables, diagrams, etc.;

  • the findings have previously been published elsewhere before the date of its publication in the journal;

  • the published article has serious errors, which place its scientific value in question;

  • if plagiarism was detected after publication.

In such cases the Editor should initiate the revision, after which the article may be retracted. The Act on retraction is complied, which is signed by the editor-in-chief. The copy of the Act is being sent to the author of the article. In this case the article is not physically withdrawn from the published edition and the file of the issue on web site. The Editorial Office publishes the notification on retraction of the article on the corresponding page of the issue content on the official site of the Journal.

ISSN 1994-7720 (Print)
^ UP